
Dodane przez DzialWspolpracy - 17/09/2024 - 11:32
Krótki opis zapytania:
The service of using online, medical platform called UWorld, designated to prepare for the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) at level I (Step 1) as part of the project „Knowledge without borders. Access to prestigious, electronic, global knowledge resources as a pillar of modern education”. The project is financed by the Polish National Agency of Academic Exchange as part of the Welcome to Poland Programme (2023)
Data publikacji:
Zapytanie ofertowe:
na wyłonienie Wykonawcy zamówienia o wartości nie przekraczającej kwoty 130 000 złotych netto
Rodzaj zamówienia:
Opis przedmiotu zamówienia:

Case no.: AWM/NAW/4/2024/TM


Date of issue:




CPV code:

72400000-4 Internet Services

  1. Subject of order


  1. Type of order:



  1. Description of order subject:


  1. The subject of order is a service of using online medical platform UWorld USMLE STEP1 QBANK 360-days including Self-Assessment Form 1-3 (2-weeks each) designated to prepare for United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) at level I (Step 1). USMLE is a 3-stage exam which, having been passed, results in obtaining a license for execution of medical professions in the USA.
  2. The task is financed as part of the project called “Knowledge without borders. Access to prestigious, electronic, global knowledge resources as a pillar of modern education” financed by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange as part of the Welcome to Poland Programme (edition 2023).
  3. The Contractor shall ensure access to the above-specified online English version of the medical platform UWorld by means of disclosed user accounts. Authorised users of accounts shall be students of the Medical University in Bialystok.
  4. The subject of Agreement shall be the use of the above-specified platform for the period of 1 year (12 months) for 10 persons (user accounts). The period of account activations for all 10 users commences on 1 October 2024 and lasts for the period of 360 days. Upon the consent of the Contracting Authority, commencement of service activation at a later time is allowed, however, no later than on 10 October 2024.
  5. The scope of contents on the platform should cover texts designated for the preparation before USMLE exam (Step I), i.e. questions with answers, contents (explanations, articles) and visual materials (illustrations, animations, photos, tables, graphs etc.) of educational nature targeted at preparing users before the exam the passing of which enables the conduct of a profession of MD in the USA.
  6. The Contractor shall provide a guarantee of permanent access to the platform UWorld USMLE STEP1 QBANK 360-days during the provision of the service. In case of the Contracting Party reporting problems related to access to the service, the Contractor shall be obliged to immediately resolve the problem with access, no later however than within 48 hours from the date of submission.
  7. The Contractor shall present an offer on a bid proposal form constituting Appendix no. 1 to the hereby request for proposals.
  8. Through realizing the public task comprising execution of the subject of the order, the Party which realizes the Agreement undertakes to ensure architectural, digital and information-communicational accessibility to persons with special needs.
  9. The Contractor declares that it is not an entity meeting the premise for exclusion from the proceeding pursuant to Art. 7 (1) of the Act of 13 April 2022 on specific arrangements in the scope of counteracting support for aggression towards Ukraine and targeted at protection of national security.
  10. The Contractor declares that it possesses all necessary skills and knowledge required to realize the subject of the order.
Kryteria oceny:
Price of the subject of order – 100 %.

The most price-beneficial offer will be selected. In case of submission of several offers with the same price for the entire execution of the service, the selected offer providers shall be asked to re-submit their offers.

Termin / okres wykonania zamówienia:
The service should be active from 1 October 2024 for the period of 360 days. Upon the consent of the Contracting Party, commencement of service activation at a later time is allowed, however, no later than on 10 October 2024.
Szczegółowe informacje można uzyskać pod adresem:
Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku, 15-089 Białystok, ul. Jana Kilińskiego 1
Dział Współpracy Międzynarodowej
Numer pokoju:
205 i 206
Osoba do kontaktu z Wykonawcami:
Tomasz Maliszewski - head of the International Cooperation Department, Jakub Wszeborowski - deputy head of the International Cooperation Department
Telefon kontaktowy:
+48 85 686 5221
Do wypełnionego formularza ofertowego (załącznik do zapytania) należy dołączyć:
The following must be attached to the bid proposal form (appendix to the request for proposals):
a) Declaration on no personal or capital relations with the Contracting Authority (Appendix no. 2 to the hereby request for proposals.).
b) Confirmation of conduct of economic activity in the scope compliant with the subject of the order.
Termin składania ofert (data i godzina):
Miejsce składania ofert: Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku, Dział:
IV. Submission of offers
1. Term of submission of offers (date and time):
2. 25 September 2024 until 9:00:00 am (Warsaw time - CEST). Offers may be sent solely in an electronic format. Date of entry of an offer to the Contracting Party shall be decisive. Offers submitted or received after the above-specified term shall not be considered.
3. Each contractor may submit only one offer.
4. Place and form of offer submission.
Electronically: to the email address: Please indicate the following in the message title: “Request for proposals no. AWM/NAW/4/2024/TM”. Do not open before 25.09.2024 at 09:00 am”.
5. Contact person for the Contractors:
Mr Jakub Wszeborowski, phone. + 48 85 686 51 81,
Mr Tomasz Maliszewski, PhD, phone. +48 85 686 52 21,

Uniwersytet Medyczny w Białymstoku zastrzega sobie prawo:

The Medical University in Bialystok reserves the right to:

a) refrain from considering offers submitted after the deadline;

b) cancel the proceeding without stating the reasons;

c) change the scope of the proceeding.